Gina Hopman - artist
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Chorlton 1 Chorlton 2
Height 2m.
Material: wood, wiremesh, ivy leaves.
Height 2m.
Material: wood, wiremesh, ivy leaves.
Chorlton 3 Chorlton 4
Height 2m.
Material: wood, wiremesh, ivy leaves.
Height 2m.
Material: wood, wiremesh, ivy leaves.
Chorlton 5 Chorlton 6
Height 2m.
Material: wood, wiremesh, ivy leaves.
Height 2m.
Material: wood, wiremesh, ivy leaves.
Chorlton 7
Height 2m.
Material: wood, wiremesh, ivy leaves.
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This shows an installation made for the Chorlton art festival in 2004. It was made of wood, wiremesh, and ivy leaves.

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